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The Foresters Mummers Play



Foresters Morris as part of the Chatsworth House Spectacular.
More here.


We were asked to perform a Mummers Play by Nottingham City Council for their St George's day celebrations at Nottingham Castle in 2005. [We already perform our Plough Play for them each January.] A script was devised by Steve Earwicker from plays he had heard in his youth at Odiham (Hampshire) and neighbourhood.


  • Old Father Abraham [Steve Earwicker]
  • King George [Vic Martin]
  • Beau Romer [Cecil Laughlin]
  • Beau Slasher [Stewart Thompson]
  • The Doctor [Eric Foxley]
  • Turkish Knight [Ken Bramman]
  • Trim Tram [William Pearse]

Beau Romer

    In comes I, Beau Romer, Beau Romer is my name.
    I’m come to show you merry sport to pass away the winter.
    Old activity, new activity,
    Such activity that never have been seen before,
    and never will be seen no more.

Father Abraham

    In comes, I Old Father Abraham,
    Welcome or welcome not,
    I hope old father Abraham will never be forgot.
    Room! Room! Gallons of room,
    For in this place there shall be shown
    The dreadfullest battle that ever was known.
    Betwixt King George and my two sons.
    Walk in King George, walk in!

King George

    In Comes I, King George,
    The man of courage bold.
    With my sword and buckler at my side,
    I won ten crown of gold.
    It was I who fought the fiery dragon
    and brought him to the slaughter;
    and by means of this, and that,
    I won the King of Egypt’s daughter.
    Now see me draw my English weapon.
    Is there a man in this fair land
    that I can’t cut down with my credit hand?

Beau Romer

    In comes I, Beau Romer. Beau Romer is my name.
    I’ll fight King George and take away his fame.
    For in less than three minutes, I’ll take thy life away.
    So battle to battle you and I shall call,
    to see which on this ground shall fall.

King George

    Battle to battle you and I shall play
    to see which on this ground shall lay.
    So mind your hits and guard your blows.

Beau Romer

    Likewise your face and eyes and nose.



    (King George kills Beau Romer)

Father Abraham

    Walk in Beau Slasher, let’s see what you can do.

Beau Slasher

    In comes I, Beau Slasher, Beau Slasher is my name.
    I’m come to fight King George and all his noble train.

King George

    Ah, my friend, King George is here,
    and I shall quickly take the life from thee, or thee from me.
    So prepare yourself to fight,
    for satisfaction I will have before you go this night.

Beau Slasher

    No satisfaction at all, King George,
    for in less than three minutes, I’ll take thy life away.
    So, battle to battle you and I shall call,
    to see which on this ground shall fall.

King George

    Battle to battle you and I shall play
    to see which on this ground shall lay.
    So mind your hits and guard your blows.

Beau Slasher

    Likewise your face and eyes and nose.



    (King George kills Beau Slasher)

Father Abraham

    You knock kneed, knackered old nose bag,
    See what you’ve done,
    You’ve killed my two sons, lays bleeding on the ground.
    Oh doctor,doctor, is there a noble-handed doctor to be found
    that can cure my two sons lays bleeding on the ground.
    £5 for a doctor!

King George

    £10 to stay away


    £15 and a Bupa card and I'll come in.

Father Abraham

    All right but hurry up, we havn’t got all day!


    In comes I, the doctor.

Father Abraham

    And how comes you to be a doctor?


    By my travels.

Father Abraham

    And what, pray are your travels?


    Italy, Whitely, France & Spain, Twice round Nottingham and back again.

Father Abraham

    And what can you cure, noble-handed doctor?


    Ipsy, Pipsy, Palsy, Gout,
    Pains within and pains without,
    Heal the sick and cure the lame,
    Raise dead men back to life again.

Father Abraham

    You'd best try your skills on these two lads,
    Lays bleeding on the ground.


    I have a little bottle at my side,
    the fame of which spreads far and wide.
    The stuff therein is elecampane,
    it’ll bring the dead back to life again.
    A drop on the heart, A drop on the skull,
    will make em alive and open their eyes, and see what I have done!

    (Beau Romer & Beau Slasher arise)

Turkish Knight

    In comes I, the Turkish Knight,
    on Turkey land I learned to fight.
    I’ll fight King George the man of courage bold,
    and if his blood be hot, I’ll fetch it cold.

King George

    Ho, Ho, my little fellow, your talk is rather bold.
    Just like those little mummer boys, or so that I’ve been told.
    Pull out your sword to fight, pull out your purse to pay.
    For satisfaction I will have before you go away.

Turkish Knight

    No satisfaction at all,
    for my head is made of iron,
    my body lined with steel.
    I’ll fight King George to see who on this ground shall kneel.

King George

    Ha, I’ll quickly take the life from thee,
    or thee from me.

Turkish Knight

    So, battle to battle you and I shall call,
    to see which on this ground shall fall.

King George

    Battle to battle you and I shall play
    to see which on this ground shall lay.
    So mind your hits and guard your blows.

Beau Slasher

    Likewise your face and eyes and nose.



    (King George & Turkish Kight fight - Turkish Knight on bended knee)

Turkish Knight

    Down on my bended knee, proud Turk to thee,
    Oh, spare my life, a Turkey slave to be.

King George

    Arise, proud Turk, arise.
    Go home to thy land to fight, go home to thy land to tell,
    what Champion George hath done for for Old England so well.

Turkish Knight

    Now, I am going home, pray give me my free discharge.
    God bless the King of England,
    Likewise his champion George!

Trim Tram

    In comes I, Trim Tram,
    left from Press Gang.
    Press all you brave fellows to sea,
    to fight the French and Spaniard.
    Although my name is Johnny Jack,
    with my wife and family on my back.
    Although my family is but small,
    I thinks myself best man of all.

Father Abraham

    You thinks yourself best man of all!
    I knowed your father years ago,
    Bought pigs off him.
    They growed so thin he had to put yokes on em
    to stop em running down the sink hole!
    I think I’ll take a rap or two at thee myself.

    (Trim Tram kills Father Abraham and sits on him)

Trim Tram

    Good Masters and Good Mistresses,
    see what I’ve been and done.
    I’ve knocked Old Father Abraham down,
    just like the setting sun.
    So here I sits and takes my ease.
    Ladies and Gentlemen, give what you please!

    Old Father Abraham Broom
    King George Sword & shield (with St George cross) & Crown
    Beau Romer Sword & shield
    Beau Slasher Sword & shield
    The Doctor Top Hat, Black Bag, Bottle
    Turkish Knight Sword (scimitar shaped) & Fez
    Trim Tram Large Stick & dolls tied on back

    Swords are simple wooden swords except for the curved sword of Turkish Knight.
    All wear Raggy jackets (except possibly the doctor who could wear tail coat)
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Updated Wednesday 01-May-2024 12:14
Website content copyright © Eric Foxley.

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